In public relations, you have a clear message you want to share with your target audience and you utilize the media as your preliminary channel.
In the wedding world, many professionals focus strictly on publications and blogs that will put them in front of prospective brides and grooms. As great as this can be, don’t discount the impact that business-to-business press (that is, press within the industry itself) can be.
So why should you be embracing the world of B2B media?
Vendor Relations
There are plenty of reasons to spend time on B2B media relations, with one of the top being the growth of your network. By connecting with new-to-you event pros, you’ll increase your chance of vendor referrals, which are one of the top ways couples find their vendors. B2B media is a great way to promote yourself as an industry expert, which will put you on the radar of other event professionals.
Third-Party Credibility
In addition to other event professionals, clients (and clients-to-be!) will also be impressed with your B2B press. Even if it isn’t what drew them in, they’ll see it promoted on your web site and social media. This third party credibility may impact their opinions of you- if you’re a credible resource to other professionals, you must be good at what you do!
Search Engine Optimization
Of course, there’s always the SEO perks of getting backlinks from diverse websites. The more B2B press you get in addition to B2C features, the more traffic you’ll get on your site and search engines will rank you accordingly. Search engine optimization plays a large role in getting new clients, as the Internet is often the first place engaged couples go to look.
Brand Awareness
If you’re interested in getting involved more in national industry associations, this is a great way to increase awareness about your brand and put your name in front of the right people. When you are projecting yourself as an industry leader and sharing your expertise, people will certainly notice!
Although B2C outlets may be working well for bringing in prospective clients, consider diversifying your publicity to reputable media outlets that targets your industry peers. Think about what kinds of things you’ve learned along the way that you could share with other event professionals. Trust me—you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much of an impact it can have on your business!
Meghan Ely is the owner of wedding PR and wedding marketing firm OFD Consulting. Ely is a sought-after speaker, adjunct professor in the field of public relations, and a self-professed royal wedding enthusiast.